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When you have anxiety

By January 25, 2017March 24th, 2017No Comments

To some extent it is “normal” to experience a little anxiety.

If you might lose your job and you don’t have any idea where your next paycheck could come from.
If you are in the middle of buying a house, submitting offers and waiting for a response, all while not being sure where your home is going to be.
After a divorce or a breakup when your entire life seemingly changes over night.
Human beings need some (perceived) sense of certainty in order to keep our feet on the ground. If you are feeling anxious or unsettled about some life change, there is nothing wrong with you. That’s doesn’t mean it’s easy or a comfortable feeling but having the perspective that you are not alone and what you’re experiencing is common can be helpful when coping with the situation.
So when anxiety is “not normal” or how do you know when you need to do something about it? When it is creeping into to everyday life. When your reaction does not match the situation in severity. When the littlest things send you into a panic or causes your heart to race. Anxiety should not interfere with your life or health.
If you are at the point where anxiety is affecting your life or you have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder what are your options?

I always advocate for the most conservative treatment first. This means treatment that is the most potentially beneficial with the lowest possible side effects. A combination of acupuncture and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) is a great place to start. Acupuncture provides the physiological effect and CBT provides the psychological effects that make for an amazing treatment plan with a lot of potential and no side effects.
Start there and see how it goes. You may need to add or change somethings. Try meditation, nature walks or get a therapy animal. There are possibilities for you, whatever your anxiety experience looks like. Ask for help, education and advocate for yourself and don’t forget you are not alone