I am a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, and I help women who want to get pregnant and experience a healthy pregnancy and delivery. I work with women who are undergoing fertility treatments such as IUI or IVF as well as women who would like to get pregnant naturally,
From a Western Medicine perspective, infertility is defined as trying to conceive for 12 months without a viable pregnancy. Often medical doctors and insurance companies will delay testing for this 12-month period.
You might not want to wait a full 12 months. For some, that decision will depend on your age. If you are thirty years old, you have a 20% chance of getting pregnant every month, if you are 35, the chance is 15% per month, and if you are 40, the chance is 10%.
A beginning fertility workup will include:
- Blood work on day 3 of your cycle (three days after your period begins, you should not be on birth control)
- A pelvic ultrasound
- An imaging test for your fallopian tubes typically a HSG
- A semen analysis
I am happy to help you evaluate or order testing and can develop a treatment plan to assure your goals for having a family. I can work with you if you are trying to get pregnant naturally or if you are working with a Fertility Medical Doctor.
Take care
Dr. Ann
Harmony + Health Acupuncture, Phoenix, AZ