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Harmony + HealthHeadache

Taking the Mystery Out of Migraine Relief

By August 8, 2013October 25th, 2018No Comments

If you’ve ever had a migraine headache, you know how debilitating it can be. It’s a pain you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy, so you definitely don’t want to experience it yourself! For some, migraines can affect their ability to function in the world, maintain relationships and jobs, and severely limit their quality of life. Thankfully for migraine sufferers, acupuncture offers a viable solution and much-wanted relief.


Defining Migraines

While some people may think that a very bad headache qualifies for migraine status, this type of headache is in a class all its own. It typically occurs on only one half of the head (unilaterally) with a pulsing pain and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. The headache can last from two hours to several days and may require seclusion to a dark, quiet room to sleep. For some affected by migraines, they have a warning system alerting them that the pain will be forthcoming, allowing them to prepare. This is called an aura, a light “halo” that can be seen prior to the onset of the migraine.

There are many theories behind the cause of migraines, including hormone fluctuations; two to three times more women suffer from them than do men. Certain things can increase the likelihood of bringing on a migraine attack, including diet and stress. Chronic migraine suffers may be better able to identify those triggers that will lead to migraines so that they can reduce or eliminate them.


Diagnosing Migraines

While one might think that any kind of serious headache is classified as a migraine, according to the International Headache Society, a number of symptoms must be present to warrant a diagnosis of migraine.

  • Five or more attacks for migraine with an aura (pre-warning system); two attacks without qualify as a migraine diagnosis.
  • Migraines that last four hours to three days.
  • Must have two or more: unilateral pain, pulsating, moderate to severe pain, inability to complete normal physical activities.
  • Must have one or more: nausea or vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound.

It is always a good idea to obtain a diagnosis from a medical professional to rule out any other possible causes of the headaches and confirm that migraines are the issue.


Treatments for Migraines

There are many treatment options for migraines, from changing diet, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, and biofeedback to massage, chiropractic, and acupuncture. In severe cases, migraine surgery can help to decompress certain nerves around the neck and head. Unfortunately, there is not one tried-and-true solution for migraine; it really depends on the individual. Often, it’s best to combine approaches to create a custom solution that works best for whatever one person is experiencing. And it may be a process of elimination or trial and error to determine what is the most appropriate path to take.


Can Acupuncture Help Treat Migraines?

Various research studies have been conducted on the efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment of migraines. In most instances, patients experienced a decrease in attacks, some even eliminating migraines all together. Symptoms continued to be abated with ongoing, regular acupuncture treatments, even as they can be farther spaced apart. Acupuncture can, of course, be enhanced with Chinese herbs, and an acupuncturist may also suggest avoiding certain foods.

If you suffer from migraine attacks, let’s explore your options and see if acupuncture will work for you. Call our office at 602-955-5444 to schedule an appointment.