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FertilityWomen's Health

Preparing for Pregnancy Naturally

By July 28, 2015November 28th, 2018No Comments

This is the first in a series of articles that address the topic of pregnancy.  Whether you are preparing for pregnancy, struggling with infertility, are pregnant and are dealing with health issues, are near the end of term and preparing for labor, or if you are postnatal and are thinking about optimum health, we have something for you.

Most of these topics are written for both the woman who is carrying a pregnancy and her partner as each is equally important to conceiving, growing and birthing a healthy child.  The health of your child will affect their entire life, and generations beyond; there may be no more important job on earth than creating a new human being

How do you get yourself ready to conceive and carry a child?  Whether you are struggling with infertility or not, you start by making yourself as healthy and strong as possible.  There are four basic areas to address:

  1. Diet
  2. Exercise
  3. Sleep
  4. Stress management

Diet:  Focus on eating a nutrient dense diet.  What does that mean?  Nutrient density is a measure of the quantity of nutrients (vitamins and minerals) a food contains compared to the number of calories.  Let’s compare two breakfast food choices, each approximately 200 calories:

  • A plain cake donut
  • A bowl of oatmeal (½ cup) with raisins, brown sugar, cinnamon, topped with milk

It is probably clear which choice is the most nutrient dense.  Nutrient dense foods contain all the essential nutrients for health including vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, essential fatty acids, fiber and more, for the least number of calories.  The healthiest foods are also whole foods that have not been processed, and do not contain synthetic, artificial ingredients.


Exercise: An appropriate exercise program is different for every person.  Generally you should have a plan to move your body every day.  This might mean going to the gym, playing a sport, swimming in your backyard, walking the dog, taking an exercise or fitness class.  We are happy to help identify an exercise plan that is appropriate for every fitness level.

Sleep:  Sleep is a very complex process, scientists don’t completely understand all the functions of sleep but we know that sleep affects almost all body systems and tissues.It is well reported that adequate quantity and quality of sleep are integral to health. Set a goal of 7.5-8 hours of sleep per day.  If you fall short of that right now, work to change you sleep habits to improve sleep duration by 15 minutes at a time.  At Harmony + Health Acupuncture, we have lots of suggestions to help you improve both your sleep quality and duration.

Stress Management – Stress in an integral and unavoidable part of modern life.  Stress comes from significant life changing events, as well as everyday occurrences such as traffic, work deadlines, family pressures, time constraints, financial issues, weather, world events, the list is endless.  It is important to address stress management on a daily basis.  We have lots of ideas of ways to manage stress, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are just one of many things we can suggest to help you manage stress.

Diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, in which area do you need the most improvement?  At Harmony + Health Acupuncture, we are there for you to help you be the healthiest you can be.  Let us help, call us at 602-955-5444, or book an appointment online at