Neck pain is one of the most common complaints in my acupuncture clinic. I will describe many of the different causes of neck pain and how acupuncture can help resolve this common condition.
The neck is a complicated structure with many muscles, a set of seven cervical bones (vertebrae) with disks between each bone as well as multiple nerves. Acupuncture treatments can address many of the problems associated with these structures.
When you think about all the work the neck does holding a very heavy head up through countless tasks as well as performing an unending number of bends, turns and twists it is not surprising that this very important part of the body is so susceptible to injury and that neck pain is a very common complaint.
I evaluate every patient individually. Some neck pain problems are due to tight muscles. Muscles can tighten (contract) due to normal daily activities. Muscles can also tighten from stress or from an injury or trauma. Normally, muscle, when it is not contracted is soft and pliable. When muscles stay in a contracted (tightened) position they form taught muscle bands and sensitive trigger points. Often when there is neck pain, other muscles in the upper body such as those of the shoulder and/or upper back become involved. Acupuncture is an effective way to release the tightened muscle and trigger points and thereby alleviate pain.
Other neck pain problems are due to the vertebrae, the discs and/or nerves. In this case the treatment focuses on increasing the flow of qi and blood to the area as well as releasing associated tight muscles. Qi is the body’s vital energy. This vital energy has some relationship with the nervous system though the mechanism is not fully understood. Qi and blood also play a role in nourishing and lubricating the joints. By releasing muscle tension that pulls on the bones, discs and nerves and by nourishing the joints and interacting with the nerves, acupuncture can relieve pain.
Work Related Neck Pain – There are many jobs that cause stress to the upper body resulting in neck pain. Working at a computer can result in neck pain. Holding your head forward for long periods of time or lots of up and down motion can put a strain on the neck. Workers, who put stress on their upper bodies such as hair stylists, anyone in the construction trade, or anyone who does heavy lifting, are all at risk for neck pain.
Tension/Stress Related Neck Pain – Who doesn’t have stress in their life? When you are stressed, muscles are held tight and contract. These tight muscles eventually stay in the contracted position. The result is taught bands of muscle and areas that are so tight blood flow becomes restricted and a trigger point is formed. The trigger point can be very painful.
Injury Related Neck Pain – An accident or trauma to the neck can be very serious and should be evaluated immediately by a medical doctor. If after a medical evaluation, you still have neck pain, acupuncture may be an effective treatment.
Whiplash is something most people have heard of. It does not take more than a minor rear ender to cause the neck to snap back and forward and result in whiplash. Whiplash typically causes injury to both the front of the neck as well as the back, below the head. The injury can affect muscles, the bones (cervical vertebrae) of the neck or both.
Arthritis Neck Pain –Arthritis affects the cervical vertebrae (bones) in the neck. Between the bones are disks of cushioning materiel. The sides of the bones are linked together by joints (called facet joints). Over time, the disks become worn and thinner, and the space between the bones narrows. In some cases, bone spurs which are small sharp pieces of bone form. As a result of all these changes, you may experience pain, or even numbness or tingling as the spinal nerves are affected.
Other Neck Strains – Have you ever awaken and felt like you had a stiff neck? Sometimes this is called a crick in the neck. Often this comes from sleeping in an awkward position. Sometimes is gets better on its own, other times additional treatments such as acupuncture are needed to relieve the pain and restore full range of motion.
If you have any questions about your neck pain problem and wonder if acupuncture will be helpful, please give me a call at the office.
Ann Rea, L.Ac.
Harmony and Health Acupuncture
2001 East Campbell Ave., Suite 102
Phoenix, Arizona 85016