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Migraine Relief at Harmony + Health Acupuncture Phoenix

By March 20, 2017October 25th, 2018No Comments


It breaks our hearts when we hear a patient’s story about dealing with frequent headaches.  The pain, missing time with family and friends, missing work, the “hangover” from taking drugs that only dull the pain, never taking the pain away forever. It’s not normal to suffer from headaches or migraines and acupuncture is the perfect solution.

A study published in January 2017 identifies conditions with strong evidence supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture. This backs up what we have seen in our clinic for years! Headache of any type including migraine and tension headache is one of the conditions that is very successfully treated with acupuncture – it’s a no brainer.

Acupuncture is amazingly effective in eliminating headaches.  The gentle technique we use will eliminate or significantly reduce the pain during the first treatment! Acupuncture works in 3 ways:

1. Dilating blood vessels

2. Relieving muscle tension

3. Releasing pain killing chemicals from the brain

or a combination of all three!

Once the pain begins to go away we will work with you to develop a plan to eliminate your headaches long term. This plan might include lifestyle recommendations, supplements or traditional Chinese herbs. When you are on the road to recovery there should be no reason to return to prescriptions or over the counter drugs!

Remember: it is not normal to have a headache (ever, unless you get hit on the head) so let us help you. It’s time to take your life back, and become headache free; you deserve it!

Book an appointment here or give us a call at 602-955-5444

Ann & Emily