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Harmony + Health

Make New Year’s Resolutions Stick with Acupuncture

A turn of the calendar from one year to the next means we start to think about the bad habits we’ve acquired, and strive to change them. Eat healthier, go to the gym more, work less, spend more time with friends and family, stop smoking … we set all of these goals, hopes, and expectations within the first week of January each year. Unfortunately, for too many of us, by the time we turn the calendar again to February, we’re already back to our old ways. Why? Often, it’s because we haven’t set up enough support to get us through those tough times and on the path to wiser choices. Luckily for you, there is an option that can help you follow through with your New Year’s resolutions: acupuncture.


Acupuncture works by improving circulation to release blockages within the body, and those blockages can limit not only our physical functionality but our mental capabilities as well. And when it comes to resolutions, success is often a combination of mind and matter, meaning that acupuncture may hold the secret to finally creating new resolutions for 2015, instead of rehashing those that you didn’t quite accomplish in 2014. Let’s talk about two big resolutions you might need support in achieving.


Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Okay, we’ll admit it: There’s no magic pill that will cause you to wake up tomorrow morning at your ideal weight. You need to create a lifestyle change, and it starts with eating healthier; in fact, many experts say weight loss is much more about diet than it is about exercise. Of course, exercise definitely does a body good, and building up some muscle will aid in increasing metabolism and building strength and confidence. The key is to focus on the long term, not on the diet you happen to be following now. Changing your whole attitude will have bigger results than just thinking about this week.


Acupuncture is an effective treatment to accelerate weight loss based on the premise that the weight gain may be a result of disturbed energy flow between the body and the hypothalamus, the regulating system of the body. Since acupuncture serves to clear those blocks and restore ongoing flow, it attacks the issues associated with weight gain at the body’s source, treating the body holistically. Acupuncture also helps to diminish food cravings and appetite, boost metabolism, improve digestion, and regulate hormones.


Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation

The hardest part about stopping smoking can be proven scientifically: it’s addicting! The nicotine in cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and chew causes dopamine to release in the brain, creating that feel-good effect smokers crave. While some smokers have successfully kicked the habit cold turkey, more often, there are stories of smokers who stop for a month or two and then, when stress gets overwhelming, head back to the cigarettes. It’s a self-defeating cycle that wreaks havoc on one’s health and self-confidence.


Acupuncture is an excellent solution for smoking cessation because it addresses the root causes of addiction: those that are physical, mental, and emotional. During those first days and weeks after quitting, withdrawal can be overwhelming, and acupuncture is the crutch many smokers need to make it through that critical time period. Another benefit of using acupuncture while transitioning to becoming a non-smoker is that the side effects of withdrawal can be addressed by those fine needles positioned at the right meridians on the body. A licensed acupuncturist is involved with the patient for the whole process, and she will be able to quickly identify and treat the other issues associated with quitting, such as insomnia, fatigue, jitters, dry mouth, irritability, and depression.


Remember That Success Is a Process

No matter what your New Year’s resolutions are as we start 2014, remember to give yourself both structure and flexibility. Instead of just saying you want to lose weight, quantify it: “I want to lose 20 pounds by St. Patrick’s Day.” And if quitting smoking is on your to-do list, give yourself a date for when you’ll be nicotine-free. Having a clear goal with a set end is the first step to creating success. Next, be sure that you have support systems in place: friends, family, and professionals. And if you have a down day, don’t give up! There’s always tomorrow.


Acupuncture holds the key to achieving optimal health not only in January but year round. If you would like to learn more about how acupuncture can help you achieve your goals, call 602-955-5444 to schedule your initial appointment.