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Harmony + Health

Is your health problem genetic?

Every week I hear new patients explain their current health condition by saying that “it runs in my family.” Their (inset health complaint here) is genetic; their mom has is, their brother has it and their grandparents or aunt/uncle has it. This reliance on inheritance to explain our health circumstances is understandable because the general public and media are not aware of the causes of modern, chronic diseases from a whole health perspective. Their doctor will say “it’s genetic” because they might not know what is actually causing the problem. Modern diseases are complex and multifaceted. We always say in our clinic, “it’s never just one cause” when referring to your overall health status.

The reality is that less than 10% of disease is genetic¹.The vast majority of disease is due to a number of non-genetic factors, including those that can turn on and off certain genes, also known as gene expression. Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institute of Health, famously said “genes load the gun but environment pulls the trigger”. These non-genetic factors are known collectively as your exposome, which includes the following:

  1. Specific external environment: this includes all your unique lifestyle factors from conception until death including the health of your parents at the time of conception. Also, your diet, smoking habits, exercise, sleep and stress management practices throughout life Your  specific exposure to toxins and medications are also included.
  1. General external environment: this is affected by the climate in which you live, whether you live in a rural or urban setting, sunlight exposure and seasonal or weather factors. Also, our wider economic, social, and psychological influences including social status, education, financial status, and stress.
  2. Internal environment:  this includes all biological factors in your body including metabolism, microbiome, inflammation levels, nervous and vascular function, ability to handle oxidative stress and more.

In many cases, even if you have a specific predisposition to a condition due to your genes, those genes will not be expressed without the presence of certain environmental factors. This is amazing news because it means we have so much control over our health by the way we choose to live our lives. But it can also be scary, because the choices can seem overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to have a knowledgeable, trustworthy healthcare provider in your corner who can see all sides of this complicated health landscape. At Harmony + Health Acupuncture, we are here to be your advisors and advocates, whenever you need.