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Women's Health

Hot Flashes – Night Sweats – How to Survive Menopause Naturally

By January 22, 2016May 3rd, 2017No Comments

With the life span of the average American woman at nearly 80 years old, each of us will spend almost 35 years post menopause.  Lets make this phase of your life even better that the 35 years you spent having periods.

Excessive sweating during the day (hot flashes) or night (night sweats) can be a major nuisance.  Hot flashes can be down right embarrassing and night sweats can interfere with your ability to get a full night of restful sleep.

You might feel that you have to tough it out, or resort to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to survive this phase of your life.  Though bio-identical hormones are very popular these days, they are no safer than synthetic hormone replacement.  The risks of HRT are cancer, heart disease and/or stroke. 

At Harmony + Health Acupuncture, we specialize in the treatment of  hot flashes and night sweats.  Some patients have additional menopause related symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, mood swings, dryness, hair loss.  We use a combination of acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine and customize the treatment for each patient.

Chinese herbs are very effective, and there are little to no side effects associated with them.

So don’t suffer through menopause, rather, live your life well and enjoy all the benefits of post menopausal life.

You can make an appointment on our website at, see you soon.


Ann & Emily