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Finding Joy – in the Season and in your Life

By December 6, 2018November 1st, 2023No Comments

Tis the season, right?  Joy to the World, Joy in giving or opening presents, Joy in the presence of family and friends, Joy in having favorite foods/sweets, Joy in going to parties. Joy in Winter weather, Joy in anticipating a new year.  This is all seasonal Joy, and not everyone experiences this type of Joy in December or at the New Year.

What is much more important than a Joyous December and New Year, is experiencing Joy in your everyday life, no matter the season.

It is important to recognize that life is a journey with a series of ups and downs, highs and lows.  After all, life is not like Instagram, where every post is beautiful, every puppy adorable, every product amazing, every life perfect.  The highs of life are best enjoyed surrounded by lows, that’s how you recognize they are high points.  Who doesn’t enjoy Spring after a long and dreary Winter, a new haircut after the same cut you have had for years, no traffic one day after enduring endless backups.  You see Joy is relative.  And what I want you to do is to look for Joy in your everyday life.  This process is called cultivating Joy.

Cultivating Joy will make you happier, you will focus less on the down sides of life.  Cultivating Joy is also an amazing stress reduction strategy.  You will feel less stressed when you focus on the joyful parts of life.

Of course, you will recognize the big Joy’s such as a holiday, birth, birthday, vacation etc.  It’s the little things I would like you to recognize.

Little things such as: the sound of rain on the roof (it is raining as I write this), the presence of a pet, hot water in the morning, a meal, someone letting you into traffic (or doing the same for a stranger), clean clothes, a roof over your head, health, family members (even the slightly annoying ones), friends, trees, sunrise/sunset, warmth, a blanket, coffee, a glass of wine, work, exchanging words with a stranger, music, nature, tea, sleeping children, quiet, sun, shade, electricity A/C, clean water.

You see what I mean?  Make your own list.  Joy is everywhere, sometimes you have to look for it.  I suggest you spend a few minutes every day, finding the joy in your life, whatever your situation, you will feel better for it.

