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Harmony + Health

Cold and Flu Season is Upon Us

It is time to make a plan to deal with the upcoming Cold and Flu Season.  Your plan should allow for illness Prevention and Treatment. 

 Let’s start with prevention. Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) both offer forms of prevention.  I think it is important to take advantage of both systems.  The flu shot offered by your doctor, or many local clinics is fine, but its effectiveness is limited to just a few possible virus strains and will not prevent a cold.  By using Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Formulas, you will boost your entire immune system, thereby reducing the chance you will get any virus whether it be the cold or flu.

 You need to put together a treatment strategy just in case.  If you are exposed to illness or if you think you might be getting sick, it is time to begin a TCM treatment for the Initial Exposure Phase.  These treatments are prescribed to prevent a full blown illness that lasts for days or weeks, but treatment must begin at the first hint of illness so you need to prepare in advance.

If you are exposed to a very powerful bug, or if your immune system is not quite strong enough, and you do end up getting sick, it is time for treatment of the Fully Engaged Phase.

 For a summary of recommended treatments for Prevention, and Treatment, both for the Initial Exposure and Fully Engaged Phases, please see the information that follows.  In addition, don’t forget the one prevention strategy that is universal: hand washing.  You cannot wash your hands too often.


Flu Shot or Flu Mist—the flu vaccine will prevent infection from three flu strains that may be prevalent this season.  With the flu shot, there is no protection from illness such as colds, other viruses or from bacterial infections

Acupuncture—regular acupuncture treatments will boost your immune system (support your wei qi) thereby reducing susceptibility to contagious diseases such as colds, flu or other viral or bacterial infections. 

Chinese Herbal Formulas—there are several formulas that support and strengthen the immune system and further reduce susceptibility to contagious illnesses.  Together we can pick the best formula and dosage for your situation.  Recommendations include:

  • Jade Windscreen Formula (Yu Ping Feng San) – this formula strengthens the protective qi (wei qi).  It can be taken for one to five months in advance of the cold season and will prevent colds, or for those who have a weak immune system, will result in less frequent or severe colds.
  • Mushroom Tonic—a powerful tonic and deep immune booster.  It contains four different kinds of mushrooms along with Siberian ginseng.  This formula is focused on strengthening the lungs (the target tissue for the flu virus) and spleen as well as the protective qi.


Chinese herbal formulas are key for the treatment of colds and flu.  Together we can pick the best formula or formulas for your situation along with the appropriate dosing schedule.  Acupuncture treatments are also useful as they may shorten the illness and speed recovery

 There are two ways to approach treatment with herbs depending on the stage of the disease:

 Initial Exposure Phase—this phase usually lasts about 24 hours and begins when you are first exposed to a virus.  You are not sure if you are really sick, but you are starting to feel funny and or you have definitely been exposed to someone who has a cold or flu.  The idea at this time is to kill the virus before it settles into the respiratory system.  The formulas used at this stage of illness are primarily anti-viral in nature.  It is a good idea to keep these formulas in your medicine cabinet.

  •  Gan Mao Ling Formula—this formula contains herbs with anti-viral actions.  Take when symptoms first appear such as achiness, mild fever or sore throat.  Also can be taken to prevent a viral infection.  Great for prophylaxis when traveling (I always take this before getting on an airplane)
  • Yin Chiao Formula—take this at the onset of the common cold or flu when symptoms include sore throat and fever.  Gan Mao Ling and Yin Chiao are often taken together
  • Andrographis Formula (Chuan Xin Lian) – this formula can be taken in the initial or fully engaged phase. It is a powerful antiviral and general antimicrobial formula especially effective against viruses that attack the throat, intestines or urinary tract so good for both upper respiratory tract and digestive systems

 Fully Engaged Phase—now you know you are sick.  The formulas that are used at this stage may have an anit-viral component, but the primary action is to resolve symptoms.  The following are examples of formulas, there are many others.  We can evaluate your specific situation to make the best formula recommendation as well as to determine an appropriate dosing schedule.

  •  Andrographis Formula (Chuan Xin Lian) – see above
  • Zong Gan Ling Formula—for cold or flu when fever is present, may also have sore throat, body aches, cough, headache, swollen lymph nodes, sore achy neck and shoulders
  • Mulberry and Lycium Formula (Xie Bai San) – for fever and cough or wheezing from the flu
  • Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San—for stomach flu with vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Xiao Chai Hu Tang—for alternating chills and fever, with nausea and bitter taste in the mouth
  • Super Sinus or Cang Er Zi San—best for sinus congestion or sinus infection

Ann Rea, L.Ac.

Harmony and Health Acupuncture

2001 East Campbell Ave, Suite 102

Phoenix, Arizona  85016
