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Celiac Disease, Gluten Sensitivity, and Acupuncture

Although it may seem to be a fad to be gluten free, for the millions of Americans who suffer from gluten sensitivity, the problem is real. While following a diet that is free from gluten is the surest way to avoid gastrointestinal issues, being “glutened” happens. Gluten hides in many foods, and if you eat out often, it’s likely you’ll suffer from a secret attack at some point. While you know the symptoms are inevitable, what you might not know is that acupuncture can offer relief from gluten sensitivity.gluten sensitivity

Celiac vs. NCGS
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects less than 1% of the American population. It can be diagnosed by a doctor and is caused by the body effectively attacking the gluten commonly found in wheat. If you truly have celiac disease, when you eat even a small amount of gluten, you will often experience debilitating gastrointestinal discomfort, which may include stomachache, gas, and diarrhea. Over time and a continued diet that includes gluten, you will likely be dealing with anemia, chronic fatigue, and weight loss as the body continues to fight absorption of gluten, which compromises the small intestine’s ability to use correctly any nutrients.

While celiac disease is quite rare, what is common is NCGS or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. It is estimated that 18 million Americans fall into this category, which is diagnosed by a process of elimination. Since gluten and dairy in the diet are common culprits of illness and discomfort, a nutritionist or other medical professional may suggest eliminating them from the diet to identify what the actual cause of the issues is. NCGS can cause symptoms similar to celiac (minus the long-term destruction of the small intestine), as well as other problems, such as vertigo and headaches.

There’s also another group of people that is avoiding gluten on principle, and these folks are the fad followers or people who believe gluten causes issues, yet are not accurately diagnosed. According to research by Jessica Biesiekierski, a gastroenterologist at Monash University in Melbourne, patients who avoid FODMAPs, a collection of fermentable, poorly absorbed, short-chain carbohydrates, also avoid the issues that are commonly associated with NCGS.

gluten sensitivity

[tweet_dis]Regardless of whether you suffer from celiac disease, NCGS or sensitivity to FODMAPs, the results are real.[/tweet_dis] The only “cure” is to avoid gluten altogether, so what happens when you do eat that (or FODMAPs) and find yourself suffering? How about acupuncture?

How Acupuncture Helps Combat Gluten Issues
If your body is truly sensitive to gluten, it will fight back and attack the gluten. The body does this through the process of inflammation, which is its way of fighting off what it sees as an invader. In many cases, inflammation is the problem that exacerbates everything else. However, acupuncture minimizes inflammation.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), of which acupuncture is the part, views inflammation as an imbalance of the flow of blood and energy and creates a blockage. This blockage results in pain and chronic inflammation. Acupuncture clears these blocks and enables blood to resume its natural flow throughout the body to heal itself. This decreases inflammation and releases the body’s natural pain reliever, endorphins.

Gluten Free Plus Acupuncture for the Win
Remember that acupuncture treatments are not a free pass to eat gluten whenever you choose. If you are sensitive to gluten, you need to eliminate it from your diet. However, if you’ve been newly diagnosed, it will take a good month to completely clear your system; during this time, acupuncture can help speed the process.

Also, if you have been gluten free for a while and had a slip or inadvertently get “glutened,” acupuncture can help your body to navigate the healing process faster. It’s a powerful partner to call on when needed.

[tweet_box]If you suffer from celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or issues with FODMAPs, acupuncture is your ally [/tweet_box] in creating a healthy future. Call us at 602-955-5444 to schedule your appointment.