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Harmony + HealthWeight Loss

Can Acupuncture Get You Ready for Swimsuit Season?

Summer is right around the corner in the Phoenix area, and some brave souls have already jumped in their backyard pools to test the waters. That means it won’t be long before pool parties are popping up across town, necessitating the need for just the right suit for the occasion. But what about the right body for that suit?

Perhaps you have just a few pounds to lose. Or maybe you’re looking at a long journey to regaining your once-svelte physique. Either way, you know what you need to do: eat fewer calories than you burn. But there might be a secret bullet that can help you to achieve your goal weight just a bit faster. Yep, acupuncture may be just what your body needs to get itself back into tiptop shape.

Let Your Body Do What It Does Best
Your body knows when it’s healthy and when all of its systems are functioning as they should. It’s when we stop listening to those cues that we start to get into trouble. So why not let your body take over again and resume its task of keeping you on the straight and narrow? Since acupuncture’s main goal is to release blood flow across the body, it is perfect for helping the natural wonder in which we live daily to take care of itself. Mother Nature did a great job in designing us; acupuncture just helps us return to where we’re supposed to be.

The Miracle Pill — That’s Not a Pill
Did you know that acupuncture has been linked to increased metabolism, improved digestion, reduced cravings and appetite, and even regulated obesity-causing hormones? Who knew such a small needle could do so much good! Adding acupuncture to your weight-loss program is only going to have positive side effects. And don’t forget that acupuncture also has the amazing ability to boost attitude and overall wellbeing!

Of course, there’s nothing magic about acupuncture, and those who are looking to lose weight should not rely solely on regular treatments. The tried-and-true methods of losing weight (cutting back on what you eat and upping your weight-bearing and cardiovascular exercise) are what are doing most of the work here; acupuncture just helps the body to make all of those good habits work more effectively.

The Ears Have It
If you choose to use acupuncture to help aid in your weight-loss plan, don’t be surprised when your licensed acupuncturist starts putting needles in your ear. The skin and cartilage of the ear is home to four points that directly affect weight control: the hunger point, Shen Men point, stomach point, and endocrine point. By stimulating these points, the body releases neurochemicals and hormones that play a large part in how well your “temple” plays along with your plans.

In addition to in-office treatments, some acupuncturists attach ear seeds, which are small, lightweight ball bearings on tape that can be pressed to stimulate the pressure point after the appointment has ended. Left on for a couple of hours or a few days, these seeds continue the benefits that the acupuncture treatment itself began.

Get Ready to Dive In!
If you’re trying on swimsuits and not satisfied with what your reflection is showing you, perhaps it’s time to try something new. The licensed acupuncturists at Harmony and Health Acupuncture can create the perfect plan to boost your ability to lose weight and get into summer shape. Call us at 602-955-5444 to schedule your appointment; you’ll be ready for your close-up in no time!