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Anti-Viral Herbs to Prevent Colds and Flu – Buy one get one ½ off for the month of November

Chinese Medicine (acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine) has been keeping people healthy and free from colds and flu for generations.  There are two specific herbal formulas that are key to prevention of colds and flu.

Gan Mao Ling – is a modern Chinese herbal formula.  It consists of a mixture of 5 anti-viral herbs that are excellent at killing cold and flu viruses.  The key is to take the formula at the first sign of illness.  For example, when you think: I don’t feel quite right, am I coming down with something?  This is the time to start taking Gan Mao Ling.

Another use for Gan Mao Ling, is when you are exposed to someone with a cold or flu.  You are not sick but have been around someone who is, and you don’t want to catch it.  An example is when traveling such as on an airplane, where you are sharing the air and bathrooms with others, some travelers may be sick, others not sick yet, but contagious.  This strategy also works when you have been in crowds such as the movies, concert, shopping mall.  In this case you are taking Gan Mao Ling to prevent potential illness

Yin Qiao San – is another herbal formula with anti-viral herbs.  In addition, this formula contains heat clearing herbs.  It is perfect if you are starting to get sick and have a sore throat or fever and you are in the first 24-36 hours of the illness.

Again, it is important to start taking these herbs at the first sign of illness.  If you take them soon enough and in the right dosage, likely you will kick the illness before it sets in.  Alternatively, if you do get sick, the symptoms will be mild and of shorter duration.

Be careful, there are reports in the literature of Gan Mao Ling and Yin Qiao San that have been adulterated with added chemicals.  Also, not all versions of these formulas contain the originally described anti-viral herbs.  Some manufacturers include 3 or 4 of the correct herbs and fill out the tablet with one or two lesser substitutes.  The Gan Mao Ling and Yin Qiao San we carry in our office are the best quality.  Afterall, these are our go-to’s if we get sick.

Also see the blog I published last week, called Should I Get the Flu Shot, Part 2.  In this blog, I review all the techniques, herbs and supplements that are excellent at building the immune system.  I suggest following that plan, then keeping Gan Mao Ling and Yin Qiao San in your medicine cabinet, just in case.

Example Dosage Schedule (for average sized adults – 120-200 lbs)

Gan Mao Ling Yin Qiao San
If traveling, or in a crowd 3 tablets am and 3 pm the day before and day of exposure.
If directly exposed to a sick person 6 tablets am and pm the day of exposure, continue daily as needed
If you feel like you might be getting sick 3-6 tablets every 2 hours until bed.  Continue the next day if still not feeling well
If you feel like you might be getting sick and have a sore throat and/or fever 3-6 tablets every 2 hours until bed.  Continue the next day if still not feeling well 3-6 tablets every 2 hours until bed.  Continue the next day if still not feeling well


This schedule can be adjusted for children or for smaller or bigger humans.  Call the office if you have questions.

Take care and be well

Dr’s Ann and Emily