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Acupuncture As the Gateway to a Healthy Pregnancy and Delivery

Getting pregnant can be a challenge for some couples, but what about once conception occurs? Your worries may just begin: Can I do anything to avoid a miscarriage? What if the pregnancy doesn’t go to term and I have to deliver early? What if my doctor suggests induction or a C-section? Believe me, your worries won’t end after the baby arrives, either, but that’s a whole different story! If you have concerns about carrying to term and delivering a healthy bundle of joy, acupuncture and herbal remedies may provide some solace.

A miscarriage, or natural termination of pregnancy, typically occurs during the first or second trimester before the fetus would be viable outside of the womb. It is the most common type of pregnancy loss, and studies show that 10–25% of pregnancies will result in a miscarriage. Miscarriages can be caused by chromosomal abnormalities, improper implantation of the egg in the uterus, progesterone deficiencies, uterine malformation, or problems with the placenta or umbilical cord. While the physical aftereffects of a miscarriage are minimal, the emotional trauma can be devastating. And too often, once a woman has had natural miscarriages or elective abortions, she runs a higher risk of being unable to carry a pregnancy to term moving forward.

According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, deficiencies of the kidney, Qi, or blood could be at the root of chronic miscarriages. Fetus Protecting Pill is a classic treatment for these conditions and, when combined with ongoing acupuncture therapy, can make a marked difference in carrying a pregnancy to term. The natural approaches of acupuncture and Chinese herbs help promote circulation to the uterus for a healthy uterine lining and egg maturation. Ongoing throughout the pregnancy, acupuncture helps the body to function properly to provide adequate nutrition to the baby and manage stress and anxiety in the mother.

Inducing Labor
After you’ve managed to keep that baby in there for close to 40 weeks, you’ll definitely want it out! Sometimes, you’ll start creeping past your due date, at which point your OB or midwife may suggest options to induce labor. If your doctor is a traditional OB, he’ll push for Pitocin, which causes stronger contractions, and that often leads to a need for an epidural and a C-section when things progress too quickly. Since your body doesn’t move through the birthing process naturally, Pitocin can also mean that your milk doesn’t come when it should, and you could develop challenges nursing.

If you would rather choose a more natural way to induce labor, you can try many things, including walking and even sexual intercourse. Acupuncture can induce labor naturally by placing needles in the points that were forbidden during pregnancy, moving energy through the pelvis. This disruption of the flow of Qi can result in uterine contractions.

Labor & Delivery
Bringing a new person into the world is a beautiful thing, but it can also strike fear into the mother-to-be due to fear of pain and a long labor. Acupuncture may provide some relief. In other countries, where Western medicine isn’t as prevalent in childbirth, acupuncture is commonly used to assist nature, providing for a shorter labor that is not as painful. Acupuncture can also help to regulate contractions. Remember, women have been having children since the dawn of time, and many generations made it through safely with little to no medical interference.

If you are considering adding a new little person to your family, acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be part of your healthy pregnancy and delivery, whether you prefer an at-home birth or being in the hospital. Since neither treatment adds chemicals to your bloodstream, there’s no worry about your baby’s safety. This natural alternative can help you get pregnant, stay pregnant, and have a safe, joyous delivery. Contact Harmony + Health Acupuncture at 602-955-5444 to discuss how we can incorporate acupuncture into your family planning.