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Women’s Health

For all phases of a women’s life

Specific health concerns for women include menstruation, fertility, menopause and post menopause life.

Amenorrhea or lack of periods

If you do not have a regular period and are not pregnant, this is a sign that your body is not operating properly. There are several causes of this, including stress and hormone dysfunction.


Although PMS is common, it is not normal. It is possible to have painless, stress-free periods with minimal bloating and fatigue. If your life is interrupted every month with pain, fatigue, or moodiness, treatment should be considered.

Why PMS Happens


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a grouping of symptoms that can include infertility and/or menstrual irregularities, abnormal hair growth, acne, and weight gain or inability to lose weight. You may or may not have cysts on the ovaries associated with PCOS. This is a complicated condition that requires comprehensive care ranging from lifestyle to herbs. Rest assured, it is possible to treat PCOS without a lifetime of medication and restore normal hormonal functioning.

Acupuncture for PCOS


Frequent or heavy periods

You may experience spotting between periods, irregular periods, or periods that have become heavier than normal. These are all signs that your body is not functioning properly, and the goal should be to address the underlying cause rather than mask or only treat the symptom.


Endometriosis is a condition where uterine tissue migrates outside the uterus and can cause painful periods. Symptoms include pain (back, pelvic, rectal or vaginal), heavy or irregular menstruation and infertility in some cases. Chinese medicine has effective, whole-person solutions that can ease your pain and lead to pain free periods again!


The fertility journey can be exciting, frustrating and confusing all at once.  Month to month you are not sure how to feel; perhaps hopeful and excited!?  Then another period comes, and you might feel let down and frustrated by your body. We get it.  We have been helping couples through this process for over eight years.  Each fertility journey is unique.  Fertility related issues that acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine can help with include:

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Unexplained infertility, amenorrhea, luteal phase defect, anovulation
  • Endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), uterine fibroids & cysts, tubal obstruction, irregular menstrual cycles
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Advanced maternal age
  • Male factor infertility

For more information, see our fertility page.

Menopausal Symptoms

Menopause is not a disease, although the symptoms can significantly interfere with everyday life. Hot flashes, night sweats, and increased stress or irritability are often associated with menopause as your hormone levels begin to decline. The focus of Eastern medicine in this area is on easing the transition to make symptoms as mild as possible. You cannot maintain pre-menopausal hormone levels forever, but you can make the transition easy and even pleasant with the help of Eastern medicine.

Chinese Herbal Treatments Lessen your Symptoms


Post-menopausal Symptoms

Women spend about 1/3 of their lives post menopause. The health issues they face in this phase of life are not always serious but can greatly affect quality of life. Problems may include vaginal dryness, weight gain, difficulty sleeping, decreased energy, and decreased libido.

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