Many people are concerned that acupuncture needles will hurt. This concern is very understandable since most patients have previously only been exposed to hypodermic needles (shots) that definitely do hurt. As opposed to those larger, standard needles, in acupuncture we use needles that are exceptionally thin and fine. Some patients feel a sensation for a few seconds when the needle is placed, but we guarantee that every patient will be comfortable during the treatment. In fact, it is not uncommon for a patient to fall asleep on the treatment table!
Acupuncture uses a number of the body’s different healing mechanisms to treat a wide variety of pain conditions and internal diseases. When a needle is inserted, it stimulates the release of powerful pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory substances from the brain. It also changes the way the brain responds to pain and can modify internal organ function to treat many complex diseases. In addition, acupuncture induces local effects, including relaxation of contracted muscles and an increase in blood circulation.
The Eastern medicine approach to a medical problem is very different from that of Western medicine. Eastern medicine takes into account the wonderful complexity and uniqueness of each individual. Instead of being a system of medicine that merely treats the symptoms, as is common in Western medicine, acupuncture is a patient-centered system where you are seen and treated as an individual—a whole person.
Though acupuncture is the most common method we use in our office, some people, including children, prefer needleless treatments. This type of treatment may include acupressure with a tool that does not penetrate the skin.