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Harmony + HealthSleep & Insomnia

5 steps to sleeping like a champion

By February 1, 2018November 28th, 2018No Comments



I often get asked for advice on improving sleep or hear stories about how people have experienced insomnia for years and they’re looking for a magic pill to fix it. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill or improving or fixing your sleep; not sleeping well is symptom that your body is not functioning properly. I actually recommend not investing any money in supplements until you implement these 5 things:


  1. No electronic is the bedroom. This means, TV, cell phone and tablets. You can buy a cheap alarm clock an amazon.
  1. Disconnect for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Turn off the TV, put your phone on airplane mode or do not disturb and have some tea, do some stretching, take a walk, read a book or have some quality time with your partner 😉
  1. Get sunshine during the day! 15-20 minutes each day. Eat your lunch outside, or take a walk. If this is not possible because of your climate then supplement with Vitamin D but actual sunlight is best.
  1. Block that blue light! Out your phone and ipad on night shift mode, turn down the brightness after dark and downlowd f.lux ( on your computers. Light is not your friend at night!
  1. Perfect your sleep environment. Your bedroom should be completely dark and reasonably cold. The perfect sleep temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit so get as close to that as possible.

There you go my friends, my 5 non-negotiables when it comes to improving your sleep. Make sleep a priority and I promise you wont regret it!